Month: May 2011

  • …….

    *My brother is doing a little better today, still heavily sedated and still in ICU but they are talking about moving him to a room by end of the week, please keep praying.

    * I was already behind on things around the house before my brothers accident and things have only gotten worse, I tend to shut down during crisis but I know this so after a few days I can usually pull myself out of it. 

    *today I’m working on catching up around the house and no better way to do it than post some embarrassing messy house pic’s, just like the “old days” of blogging *lol*



    And now that you’ve seen it at it’s worst (well maybe not it’s worst but pretty bad)  I’m off to clean : )

  • Prayers needed

    Saturday morning I found out that my brother had been in an accident in SC, Sunday morning I put my Mom on a plane to go and be with him. He’s in Trauma ICU at MCG in Georgia. He’s going to be fine but has a long road of recovery in front of him. I think with 2 kids that would have to go with me it’s better than I stay here and take care of my home and family as well as my Mom’s home and bills while she’s there~ Those of you who do please keep him in your prayers.